Crazy P.E.TA.

P.E.T.A. Something that many people have heard of. Many people do not really know what P.E.T.A is though. The acronym for P.E.T.A stands for , People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. This is one of the largest animal welfare companies in the world. This group campaigns for vegetarianism and ending to the cruelty of animals. Many people do not like P.E.T.A. because they find the organization pushy nd annoying with the way they campaign.

Why could this be? What exactly does the organization do that comes across so wrong? I personally am mot involved with the organization so I decided to try and research the topic and see what others said about it and its tactics and look at what could possibly be something that would make others angry.

One such thing that I noticed would be the fact that this organization calls for ending to the production of animal fur and leather, something that fashion designers would surely miss, but there are other groups of people that use these products for their livlihood, such as farmers or hunters, they sell the products and that helps them to have a source of income.

The organization also uses guilt tactics to make other feel bad about their choices and when people feel guilty about something, often they do not like someone who points out that guilt and makes them feel worse. They(P.E.T.A) can also be a bit pushy with their tactics, constantly using these tactics to make a person feel bad.

Then there are the controversial campaigns that often gain a lot of attention for one reason, the fact that these ads contain (often women) naked humans posing with the caption, “I would rather go nude, than wear fur.” There are a lot of people who have cried out against these posters, calling them indecent and saying that they should not be somewhere where children could see them. Even though these billboards do not show any of the private parts of the body, they can be somewhat suggestive.There are some poses that can be miscontrued(I would post some of these billboards on here, but they aren’t the most appropriate.) This is something that I can understand, I’m sure that if I had children, I might be upset; but then again, they do not show anything that is hidden by the swimsuit. (Although I have seen a picture that is almost as bad)

Certainly P.E.T.A does have wonderful intentions, fighting for the welfare of animals everywhere and trying to end some of the cruelty that animals have inflicted upon them, but I think that they should seriously try and rethink their tactics. Try to connect with their audiences by more relatable means and not try and alienate some of the people that have some sympathy for animals by the suggestive and sometimes 18+ pictures they use to try and achieve their means. I mean I agree with some of their ideas but some of the means by which they go by it make me uncomfortable and I am more likely to disregard whatever the true meaning behind the poster was.

Just calm down P.E.T.A, calm down.

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