Archive | November 2012

The Truth About Thanksgiving.

Often, I am asked why on Earth I decided to become a vegetarian. The one time of year that I get asked this the most? The fall. What’s in the fall? Thanksgiving. What does everyone eat on Thanksgiving? Turkey. What is in every type of food made at my family’s Thanksgiving? Turkey. What do I choose not to eat? Turkey (or any meat for that matter.)

This Thanksgiving season was no different. For the week leading up to Thanksgiving, people were always expressing concern over me. They wanted to make sure I was going to be okay and that I would not be starving. While I truly appreciate the concern, my mom was definitely making sure that I had food to eat. Most of the food my mom makes now has no meat in it anyway. Let me give some examples; scalloped corn, green bean casserole, homemade mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, and the most amazingly, wonderful, awesome delicious Tofurky. The first year we bought it for me to eat, I was not sure what to think of it, but I was intrigued. It had been two years since I had eaten more than just the side dishes on Thanksgiving, so I was really excited to eat something else with it.  Now every year, I ask my parents if they will buy it for me, and since they know how much I love it, they always do. I think you all should try it, it is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(yes, the fifteen exclamation points are needed). I will warn you though, it does have a bit of a steep price tag. Thirteen dollars for a turkey a little bit bigger than a softball.

If your eyes just cringed and you yelped a little bit, I totally understand. It is something that my parents aren’t willing to buy a lot. I get a Tofurky Loaf once every year. Thirteen bucks a loaf certainly is something that takes a while to digest. I probably will only buy a tofurky loaf once a year when I get older.

Anyway, so no I do not starve every Thanksgiving. I have food to eat, that is freaking delicious, if I say so myself. Also, it is much easier to cook than a full-blown turkey that takes a full day to prepare.  Much easier, in my point of view. What takes meat-eaters 13 hours, takes me (or rather, my mom) a little over two hours. I find my tofurky more delicious too. So no, vegetarians to not starve on Thanksgiving.